Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

I am watching Glenn Beck today, Memorial Day and he is talking to "Nienie" (Stephanie Nielson).  Stephanie is a popular blogger that survived a horrific plane crash that burned 80 percent of her body.  In speaking, Glenn told a story that I loved, that feels really appropriate to my blogging the past few weeks.  (Glad I tuned in today, I haven't watched in FOREVER and he goes off the air soon.)

The President of CBS news wrote a book about people that survived tragedies.  All kinds: mountain climbs, plane crashes, these tragedies are varied.  The one thing this writer found survivors have in common?  God.  Heavenly Father helped them survive it all. 

Let that be a lesson to me.  Next time I think I'm too tired or busy to pray, I will remember that while I'm playing my silly non life-threatening "Survivor" game, I will remember to turn to God and I am sure I will find more to be thankful for than whine about...

I appreciate the reminder....


Thank you Brent for serving our country all of these years.  We are ALL so proud of you!  We love you!!

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