Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HIghlight of the Week

Trip to the DR, 20.00
Antibiotics, 30.00
Second Trip to the DR, 20.00
Antibiotics, 15.00
Third Trip to the DR, 20.00
Antibiotics, 15.00

(Notice a pattern here?)

Matthew at Sushi.... Priceless....

This was the highlight of my week.  One case of pneumonia and two cases of bronchitis later (and a hundred or so dollars), this was awesome.  Sushi is one of Matthew's favorite foods ever.  See that plate?  He ate the whole thing himself, and a salad and fried wontons and some soup.  Watching him chow it down and ask for more was super fun!

PS.  I think I need to go into medicine...  just to take care of my family! Or maybe hire a housecleaner.  You reading this Derek?  We could have Auxy come and SAVE money over the co-pays!!

(Wink and smile here... but think it over....)

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