Saturday, October 9, 2010


So what was the mother of six doing the morning of her daughter's birthday and two days before she leaves on vacation?

Why sleeping in and laying around of course!

Well she must be so on the ball, this mother to have so much done that she can just lay there, right?

Of course, the laundry is done ready to be packed, the birthday party is organized and the food is done.  The football uniform is washed and ready to go for the game happening right after the birthday party, the house is cleaned of trash that will surely rot and stink up the house while the family is away on the vacation they are taking in  48 hours.

This mother is ready to jump out of bed and go sell popsicles and popcorn at the school to make money for the PTO and visit with her childrens' teachers, then go run errands for her family's vacation, then help get Grandma's house ready for the party tomorrow, then take her daughter out for her birthday, and then come home and clean up the  mess at home.

Hmmmm........  what do you think?

The truth is, this mother is laying in bed with the covers over her head scared of her big bad day!  Too bad that big bad day is going to come and get her anyway....

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