Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

I love New Year! Gives me a chance to re-evaluate and set goals for myself. So here, with purest intentions, are my goals for 2010.

Keep in touch with my friends.
Enjoy each of my children every day.
Eat one veggie based meal every day.
Read one good book per month.
Journal on my blog 4 times per week.
Exercise 4 times per week.
Tell my husband how I appreciate and love him at least once a day.
Daily prayer and scripture reading.

There are SO many more things that I may add over the next week. But that seems like a good start.

I need to take a "I'm in charge here" cue from my seven year old. He went to his Sunday School class last week only to discover his teacher wasn't there. I found him in the church library where I heard him having this conversation with the librarian. "Well, I'm teaching class today, teacher didn't show up!" Please give me the lesson book, crayons and paper." That's my boy! (Just want to squish him - in a good way today!)

I'm going to be in charge of my life this year. That's my New Years Resolution!

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